Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

We are looking forward to a wonderful 2016-17 school year! 

We will be coming around to each school to visit students, answer questions, and hand out band schedules.   

Dates to Watch
Thurs. Sept. 8 - First Day of Junior Winds

Fri. Sept. 9 (Day 1)  - First "Day 1" of Band Classes 
Fri. Sept 9- Grade 6 Headstart Clinic or anyone learning a new instrument  - 6-8p.m. at Campbell
Sat. Sept. 10 - Grade 6 Headstart Clinic or anyone learning a new instrument - 9:30a.m.-12:30p.m. at Campbell
**Help is welcomed at the Grade 6 Headstart Clinic!   Any Grade 7 or 8 student that is interested in helping should let us know.  
Mon. Sept. 12 - First "Day 2" Band Day
Tues. Sept. 13 - First "Day 3" Band Day
Wed. Sept. 14 - First "Day 4" Band Day
Thurs. Sept. 15 - First "Day 5" Band Day
Tues. Sept. 27 - First Jazz Band
Wed. Sept. 28 - First Wed. Jazz Band

Grade 7's will be starting with a review using the same book as last year.   They do NOT need to buy the second book.   We will supply it.    Grade 8's do not need to purchase a new book.   Music will be distributed in class.  

Band Schedule
Day 1 Morning - Massey, McVeety Grade 7 Band and Grade 8 Band
Day 1 Afternoon - Perry Grade 6 Sectionals

Day 2 Morning - Grant Road and Perry Grade 7 Band and Grade 8 Band
Day 2 Afternoon - Massey Grade 6 Sectionals

Day 3 Morning - Grade 6 Band (Perry, Grant Road, Massey, McVeety)
Day 3 Afternoon - Grant Road Grade 7 Sectionals and Perry Grade 8 Sectionals

Day 4 Morning - Massey Grade 7 and 8 Sectionals
Day 4 Afternoon - Massey Grade 7 and 8 sectionals and Grant Road Grade 6 Sectionals

Day 5 Morning - Grant Road Grade 8 Sectionals and Perry Grade 7 Sectionals
Day 5 Afternoon - McVeety Grade 6, 7, 8 Sectionals