Things to Remember:
-Grade 8's - trip forms need to be handed in.
We are VERY proud of all of the band students on wonderful performances and clinics. Students were complimented on their performances, and their behaviour at the festival. We have enjoyed sharing the clinicians comments with all students this week. We have been reminding students that the year is not over, and we still have lots of things we will continue to work at.
In Grade 6 Band
In Grade 6 Band we decided we are sick of winter and so began a piece called Happy Summer Song. We will be performing this when we go on school tours in May and at our year end concert. We also listened to Mr. P.C. by John Coltrane. This is a jazz standard and we began figuring it out by ear. Grade 6's also continued to work on Concert Eb scale, some students began work on the Concert F scale and a handful of students began work on the Concert Ab scale. We starting getting back on track in our blue method books as well. We circled the lines to practice. Most students are on about page 19.
In Grade 7 Band
In Grade 7 band we read new music. Some of this music is for our Moose Jaw trip and some was just for fun. We are beginning work on a Schubert melody. This piece has many long tones, we will be working on supporting our sound and moving together as a group. We also began work on a piece called Pandora. This is based on Berlioz's "Dies Irae" theme from Symphonie Fantastique. It is hard! Students were told the only way it will ever be performance ready is if they practice individually. Students were asked to take a look at measures 1-24 of Pandora. In Grade 7 band we also experimented a little with solfege and which notes work together to make chords. We will be continuing with this over the next few weeks.
In Grade 8 Band
Mr. Wilkinson was away most of the week with the flu and so we welcomed back Mr. Weist for a good portion of the week. The grade 8's continue to work at getting ready for their trip which is quickly approaching. We are hoping we will have Mr. Wilkinson back functioning as normal next week!
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