Friday, 31 October 2014

Happy Halloween!

-Those students who have not handed in their t-shirt orders, please get them in this week. 
-Junior Winds and Jazz Band Band Room Chamber Concert - Thurs. Nov. 6

In Grade 6 Band
This week in Grade 6 band we are continuing to work on our breathing exercises and focus.   We have explained to students that everything happens in steps.   The first step is always to establish focus, then posture, and then air.   We experimented with using "tight" air and then our proper air.   As we experimented students noticed the differences in the sound.  

Students are continuing to work in their composition books.   We have heard many creative compositions.   Many students are experimenting with some new notes as they write their compositions.   For students who have never read music before, we remind to start with writing down the note names, and then start putting their notes on the staff.   Students are reminded to use Page 6 as a reference.   We will continue to work at this.  

As well in Grade 6 band this week we began working on harmonies.   We did this both in our blues as well as playing in harmony on line 1.31.     This coming up week students will be learning two more new notes.    They will also be receiving their first pieces of sheet music.      Again students were asked to practice their circled lines.  For most students this is lines 1.31, 2.1, and 2.2.  

In Grade 7 Band 
In Grade 7 Band we are continuing work with the breathing gym.   Students are now playing their chromatic scale quite well.   The next step is to play it by memory.   Students who already have played it by memory are reminded  they have one more step.   This step is to make sure they know the fingering for a note in that scale without looking at the fingering chart.  

This week we reviewed articulations.   We reviewed staccatos, agogic accents, and tenutos.   We will begin work on our marcato accents next week.    Our sheet music is coming along.   We are now working on the beginning to measure 30 of Largo.   We have also asked students to work on beginning to 88 of In the Court of the King.     Students will be receiving the music to Frosty the Snowman this week.  

In Gr. 8 Band

Our clinic last week with Mr. Ghiglione went very well and it was great for the band to finally get together as one complete ensemble.  We spent some time getting to know one another and then delved right into the music.  It took a few tries to get it going but once we focused it ran smoothly.

This week we started work on Country Wildflowers.  This lyrical piece is challenging because it's slow tempo forces us to concentrate on adding motion through phrasing.  Although we have just begun playing it, it is already coming together very nicely.  Our band is made up of such musical students that a piece like this really shines.

Mon. Day 3 - Oct. 27
9:30 - Grant Road and Perry Grade 6 
10:35 - Massey, McVeety, RCS Grade 6
1:15 - Grant Road Grade 8 Percussion
1:30 - Grant Road Grade 7 Mr. Benjamin and Ms. Sklar
2:30- Grant Road Grade 7 Mr. Sweeney
3:45 - CuriosityClub

Tues. Day 4 -Nov. 4
9:00 - Grade 7 percussion, tuba, euphonium, horn, trombone, Grade 8 flutes and clarinets
9:45 - Grade 7 saxophones and trumpet, Grade 8 percussion, alto, tenor saxophones and french horns
10:45- Grade 7 clarinets and flute, Grade 8 bari sax, bass clarinets, tuba. euphoniums, trombone, trumpets
12:45 - Grant Road Grade 6 low brass
1:30 - - Grant Road Grade 6 woodwinds
2:30-Grant Road Grade 6 french horns and trumpets
3:45- Jazz Band

Wednesday Day 5 - Nov. 5
9:00 - Perry Grade 7's and 8
9:45 - Perry 8's
10:00 - RCS Grade 6's
10:45 - RCS 7's
10:45 - Grant Road Grade 8's
12:45 -  Perry 6 flutes and saxophones 
1:30 - Perry Grade 6 clarinets
2:30 - Perry 6  brass and percussion 
3:45 -Jazz Band 

Thurs. Day 1 - Nov. 6
7:30 - Junior Winds
9:30 - Massey 7's
10:35 - Massey 8's
12:45 - McVeety Grade 8's
1:30 - McVeety Grade 7's
2:30 - McVeety Grade 6's
6:30 - Junior Winds and Jazz Students meet in Band Room
7:00 - Junior Winds and Jazz Band room Concert 

Fri.. Day 2 - Nov. 7
9:30 -10:30 - Perry, Grant Road, and McVeety Grade 8's
10:35-11:35 - Grant Road, Perry, and McVeety Grade 7's 
12:45 - Massey Grade 6 flutes, clarinets, french horns, and alto saxophones
2:15 -  - Massey Grade 6 trumpets, low brass, and percussion

Friday, 24 October 2014

Lots of Air!

-T-shirt forms - please return to schools this week
- We will have t-shirt sample sizes with us this week if any students want to double check sizes

Congratulations to all Grade 8 students on a great clinic day at the University.

Grade 6 Band
This week in Grade 6 Band, we began using a tool called "The Breathing Gym."    This was written by two tuba players and are short exercises intended to help students with their breathing.   These exercises are intended for brass, woodwind and percussion players.    We will continue to work through these exercises.  

This week we also wrote our own compositions.     We used our composition books to first decide on the note names we wanted to use, then we decided on our rhythm, and then we wrote our own composition on the musical staff.    After our compositions were done, we named it, and performed it.     We will continue working at this.   Many students used Page 55 in their books to add some new notes to their compositions.   We heard many wonderful compositions by the Grade 6's.

The Grade 6's are nearing the end of Chapter One in their band books.    We once again circled lines in their books to practice.   Most students were asked to practice 1.27, 1.28 and 1.29.

Grade 7 Band
This week in Grade 7 band we managed to fall on the same day as a few field trips, and so we will do instrument maintenance checks next week.   Brass students are reminded to make sure their tuning slides move easily, and that valves are oiled.    Reed players are reminded to make sure they have the proper cleaning cloths, reeds, and that corks are being greased regularly.   Since the percussionists use the school instruments, they are asked to check to make sure everything is cleaned up and put away after instruments are used.   They are also reminded to let us know if anything is missing.

Grade 7's are continuing work with the Breathing Gym.    We are specifically working on 30-37 in Largo, and at specific articulations in Of the Court of the King.      Students are now working on playing the chromatic scale not only up, but down as well.   Students soon will be asked for fingerings from their chromatic scale to see if they are remembering.

Mon. Day 3 - Oct. 27
9:30 - Grant Road and Perry Grade 6 
10:35 - Massey, McVeety, RCS Grade 6
1:15 - Grant Road Grade 8 Percussion
1:30 - Grant Road Grade 7 Mr. Benjamin and Ms. Sklar
2:30- Grant Road Grade 7 Mr. Sweeney
3:45 - CuriosityClub

Tues. Day 4 -Oct. 28

9:00 - Grade 7 percussion, tuba, euphonium, horn, trombone, Grade 8 flutes and clarinets
9:45 - Grade 7 saxophones and trumpet, Grade 8 percussion, alto, tenor saxophones and french horns
10:45- Grade 7 clarinets and flute, Grade 8 bari sax, bass clarinets, tuba. euphoniums, trombone, trumpets
12:45 - Grant Road Grade 6 woodwinds
1:30-Grant Road Grade 6 french horns and trumpets
2:30 - Grant Road Grade 6 low brass
3:45- Jazz Band

Wednesday Day 5 - Oct. 29
9:00 - Perry Grade 7's and 8
9:45 - Perry 8's
10:00 - RCS Grade 6's
10:45 - RCS 7's
10:45 - Grant Road Grade 8's
12:45 -  Perry 6 clarinets 
1:30 - Perry 6  brass and percussion 
2:30     - Perry 6 flutes and saxophones
3:45 -Jazz Band 

Thurs. Day 1 - Oct. 30
7:30 - Junior Winds
9:30 - Massey 7's
10:35 - Massey 8's
12:45 - McVeety Grade 8's
1:30 - McVeety Grade 7's
2:30 - McVeety Grade 6's

Fri.. Day 2 - Oct.24
9:15 - Bus Begins Pickups for Grade 8 Band Clinic
9:30-11:15 - Grade 8 Band Clinic at University - Room 175 - Riddel Center
-*No Perry, Grant Road, McVeety, RCS Grade 7's
12:45 - Massey Grade 6 flutes, clarinets, french horns, and alto saxophones
2:15 -  - Massey Grade 6 trumpets, low brass, and percussion

Friday, 17 October 2014

Short Week

-Grade 8's need to return their Band Clinic permission forms to Mr. Wilkinson
-This is the final call for all t-shirt designs

In Grade 6 Band 
With the short week this week we only got to see the Grade 6's once this week.  During our sectionals we reviewed the 12 bar blues, and C Jam Blues.  We also made sure all students not only could play their first five notes, but would know their first five notes on sight as well.   Most students were asked to practice the first three lines on Page 9.   Students who have gone ahead are asked to continue going ahead in their book.   This coming up week students will be using their first five notes to write their own composition.   Our main purpose is so that students become more familiar with their notes and how they look on the musical staff.    Next week students can also expect an introduction to the breathing gym.

In Grade 7 Band
Students are now working on memorizing their chromatic scale.     Once we have it memorized we will work on playing it not only up, but down as well.   We are continuing to work on balance and blending.  We have been listening quite closely to the tuba sound.   Now we are beginning to make ourselves always listen for melody as well.  

We have started working on In the Court of the King.   In this piece we will be focusing on articulations.  Students were asked to practice measures 30-end of Largo, and take a look at the notes and rhythms for In the Court of the King.

In Grade 8 Band 

We are still missing forms for our clinic next Friday.  We need these in ASAP.  The form is available on the blog and can be scanned and emailed to me at

We are having a playing test on measures 55 to the end of Joy next week.  This does not need to be for memory but should have not only the right notes and rhythms but also the correct articulations and dynamics.  We also started a new piece called Country Wildflowers.  This piece is lyrical and needs lots of breath.

Speaking of breath, we started using the Breathing Gym system in full band.  We will be continuing this throughout the year.  We will include youtube clips shortly.

Mon. Day 3 - Oct. 20
9:30 - Grant Road and Perry Grade 6 
10:35 - Massey, McVeety, RCS Grade 6
1:15 - Grant Road Grade 8 Percussion
1:30 - Grant Road Grade 7 Mr. Benjamin and Ms. Sklar
2:30- Grant Road Grade 7 Mr. Sweeney
3:45 - CuriosityClub

Tues. Day 4 -Oct. 21
9:00 - Grade 7 saxophones and trumpet, Grade 8 percussion, alto, tenor saxophones and french horns
9:45- Grade 7 clarinets and flute, Grade 8 bari sax, bass clarinets, tuba. euphoniums, trombone, trumpets
10:45 - Grade 7 percussion, tuba, euphonium, horn, trombone, Grade 8 flutes and clarinets
12:45-Grant Road Grade 6 french horns and trumpets
1:30 - Grant Road Grade 6 low brass
2:30 - Grant Road Grade 6 woodwinds
3:45- Jazz Band

Wednesday Day 5 - Oct. 22
9:00 - Perry Grade 7's and 8
9:45 - Perry 8's
10:00 - RCS Grade 6's
10:45 - RCS 7's
10:45 - Grant Road Grade 8's
12:45 - Perry 6  brass and percussion 
1:30     - Perry 6 flutes and saxophones
2:30 - Perry 6 clarinets 
3:45 -Jazz Band 

Thurs. Day 1 - Oct. 23
7:30 - Junior Winds
9:30 - Massey 7's
10:35 - Massey 8's
12:45 - McVeety Grade 8's
1:30 - McVeety Grade 7's
2:30 - McVeety Grade 6's

Fri.. Day 2 - Oct.24
9:15 - Bus Begins Pickups for Grade 8 Band Clinic
9:30-11:15 - Grade 8 Band Clinic at University - Room 175 - Riddel Center
-*No Perry, Grant Road, McVeety, RCS Grade 7's
12:45 - Massey Grade 6 saxophones and trumpets
1:30 - Massey Grade 6 flutes, french horns and low brass
2:30 - Massey Grade 6 clarinets and percussion 

Friday, 10 October 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

- Grade 8 band students are reminded to hand in your permission forms
-Tuesday is going to be a DAY 4

Congratulations to all Junior Winds students on a great retreat day!

In Grade 6 Band 

This week in Grade 6 Band we reviewed our first five notes and made sure everyone was comfortable with tonguing.   In order to do this we worked on our air and made sure that everyone could still feel the air move while they were articulating rhythms as if they were playing an instrument.    This is tricky.   We spent a good portion of time checking everyone and will continue to do so until tonguing becomes habit.  

We also learned the 12 bar Blues this week in Grade 6 Band.  Many of the Grade 6's were surprised to know that they knew enough notes to play the blues.   We will do some more experimenting with it next week.    Grade 6's learned by ear and by scale degree the Jazz Standard "C Jam Blues."   We will listen to a recording next week.  They were pretty impressed that they could play an entire song in harmony already.

We once again circled in the Grade 6's books a practice assignment.   For most this included the bottom of Page 8.

In Grade 7 Band 

This week in Grade 7 band we tried to practice "active" listening.   We experimented with knowing when the tubas stopped playing but also when we stopped students were asked specifically who they were listening to.   We are attempting to get Grade 7's to trust and use their own ears musically instead of relying on others.

We worked on Largo this week.   Students were asked to practice measures 1-30.    As we worked on this piece we talked about how old it is.   This piece is part of the New World Symphony originally written by Dvorak in 1893.    We discussed if there are any popular pieces now that they thought would  popular a hundred years from now.    They were having difficulties coming up with something.   We also worked on Page Number 4 the last two lines.    Grade 7's if they have not already done so will be playing their chromatic scale for us.

In Grade 8 Band

This week we have worked on our three pieces, Joy, Shadows Unleashed, and Furioso.  Students have been tested on their circle of fourths for memory.  Some students still have to play this for me but most are finished.  We are currently getting ready for our clinic with Brent Ghiglione at the U of R on Fricay, October 24.  Please get those permission forms in ASAP.

This Week...

Tues. Day 4 -Oct. 14
9:00 Grade 8 trumpets, low brass, bass clarinets, and bari-sax, Grade 7 low brass and horns
9:45- Grade 7 Percussion, clarinets, flute, Grade 8 low brass and low woodwinds
10:45 - Grade 8 percussion, horns, altos, and tenor, Grade 7 saxophones and trumpet
12:45-Grant Road Grade 6 low brass
1:30 - Grant Road woodwinds
2:30 - Grant Road Grade 6 french horns and trumpets
3:45- Jazz Band

Wednesday Day 5 - Oct. 15

9:00 - Perry Grade 7's and 8
9:45 - Perry 8's
10:00 - RCS Grade 6's
10:45 - RCS 7's
10:45 - Grant Road Grade 8's
12:45 - Perry 6 clarinets
1:30Perry Grade 6 trumpets and euphoniums and percussion
2:30 - Perry 6 flutes and saxophones
3:45 -Jazz Band 

Thurs. Day 1 - Oct. 16
7:30 - Junior Winds
9:30 - Massey 7's
10:35 - Massey 8's
12:45 - McVeety Grade 8's
1:30 - McVeety Grade 7's
2:30 - McVeety Grade 6's

Fri.. Day 2 - Oct. 17
9:30 - Perry, Grant Road, McVeety Grade 8's
10:35 - Perry, Grant Road, McVeety, RCs Grade 7's
12:45 - Massey Grade 6 saxophones and trumpets
1:30 - Massey Grade 6 flutes, french horns and low brass
2:30 - Massey Grade 6 clarinets and percussion 

Friday, 3 October 2014

Welcome October!

-Junior Winds Retreat on Tues. Oct. 7 - return permission forms
-Grade 8's Retreat permission forms need to be handed in

In Grade 6 Band

We worked a great deal this week on the importance of using air.    We used a birthday candle to demonstrate how direct our air has to be in order to effective.   Mr. Wilkinson demonstrated an air horn and how air feels when it moves.   We asked students to try to copy this feeling when they were putting air into their instruments.

During our sectionals we work on more instrument specific issues.   All brass players are working on lip slurs, percussionists are mostly working on mallets and discovering some of the auxillary instruments.  Flutes are working on "high -lows" (using the same fingering to point air high and low) and clarinets are discovering their lower register.  All brass and woodwind students are working on tonguing  and percussionists are working on grip.   Students have 5 notes that we are comfortable with and we have been working on long tones with these.   All students have circled in their book what to practice.  

In Grade 7 Band

Students have begun playing their chromatic scale individually for us.    Right now they are using their books to help them.  (They play from their fingering charts.)    In a few weeks we will have this memorized and we will begin playing it by memory.    As well Grade 7's have been working on long tones - but playing them quietly.   This takes a great deal of control and is hard!   We will keep working at it.  

Grade 7's are continuing to work at listening for ensemble balance.   We have "scrambled" during band classes.   This means we find a different spot in the band room and try playing AND listening for the low sounds in the band.     Grade 7's were asked to practice Dance Celebration - 37-end and melody sections in Largo as well as their chromatic scale.   We will begin working on In the Court of the King this week.

In Grade 8 Band

We are doing our playing test on the circle of fourths this week.  This has to be for memory at any tempo.  We are also working on the first 14 measures of Joy.  Be sure to get your Permission Form in for our Grade 8 Band Retreat at the U of R this week.  We will be going to the U of R on October 24.  

Monday Day 5 - Oct. 6
9:00 - Perry Grade 7's and 8
9:45 - Perry 8's
10:00 - RCS Grade 6's
10:45 - RCS 7's
10:45 - Grant Road Grade 8's
12:45 - Perry 6 clarinets
1:30 Perry Grade 6 trumpets and euphoniums and percussion
2:30 - Perry 6 flutes and saxophones
3:45 -4:30- Curiosity Club (at Campbell)

Tues. Day 1 - Oct. 7
9:30 - Massey 7's
10:35 - Massey 8's
12:45 - McVeety Grade 8's and McVeety 6's
1:30 - McVeety Grade 7's
2:10 - Bus begins pickups for Junior Winds Retreat
No Jazz Band
6:00 - Pickup at Riddell Center for Junior Winds

Wed. Day 2 - Oct. 8
9:30 - Perry, Grant Road, McVeety Grade 8's
10:35 - Perry, Grant Road, McVeety, RCs Grade 7's
12:45 - Massey Grade 6 saxophones and trumpets
1:30 - Massey Grade 6 flutes, french horns and low brass
2:30 - Massey Grade 6 clarinets and percussion 
3:45 - Jazz Band 

Thurs. Day 3 -Oct. 9
7:30 - Junior Winds
9:30 - Grant Road and Perry Grade 6 
10:35 - Massey, McVeety, RCS Grade 6
1:15 - Grant Road Grade 8 Percussion
1:30 - Grant Road Grade 7 Mr. Benjamin and Ms. Sklar
2:30- Grant Road Grade 7 Mr. Sweeney

Fri. Oct. 10 - PD Day - No Band Classes