-Those students who have not handed in their t-shirt orders, please get them in this week.
-Junior Winds and Jazz Band Band Room Chamber Concert - Thurs. Nov. 6
In Grade 6 Band
This week in Grade 6 band we are continuing to work on our breathing exercises and focus. We have explained to students that everything happens in steps. The first step is always to establish focus, then posture, and then air. We experimented with using "tight" air and then our proper air. As we experimented students noticed the differences in the sound.
Students are continuing to work in their composition books. We have heard many creative compositions. Many students are experimenting with some new notes as they write their compositions. For students who have never read music before, we remind to start with writing down the note names, and then start putting their notes on the staff. Students are reminded to use Page 6 as a reference. We will continue to work at this.
As well in Grade 6 band this week we began working on harmonies. We did this both in our blues as well as playing in harmony on line 1.31. This coming up week students will be learning two more new notes. They will also be receiving their first pieces of sheet music. Again students were asked to practice their circled lines. For most students this is lines 1.31, 2.1, and 2.2.
In Grade 7 Band
In Grade 7 Band we are continuing work with the breathing gym. Students are now playing their chromatic scale quite well. The next step is to play it by memory. Students who already have played it by memory are reminded they have one more step. This step is to make sure they know the fingering for a note in that scale without looking at the fingering chart.
This week we reviewed articulations. We reviewed staccatos, agogic accents, and tenutos. We will begin work on our marcato accents next week. Our sheet music is coming along. We are now working on the beginning to measure 30 of Largo. We have also asked students to work on beginning to 88 of In the Court of the King. Students will be receiving the music to Frosty the Snowman this week.
In Gr. 8 Band
Our clinic last week with Mr. Ghiglione went very well and it was great for the band to finally get together as one complete ensemble. We spent some time getting to know one another and then delved right into the music. It took a few tries to get it going but once we focused it ran smoothly.
This week we started work on Country Wildflowers. This lyrical piece is challenging because it's slow tempo forces us to concentrate on adding motion through phrasing. Although we have just begun playing it, it is already coming together very nicely. Our band is made up of such musical students that a piece like this really shines.
Mon. Day 3 - Oct. 27
9:30 - Grant Road and Perry Grade 6
10:35 - Massey, McVeety, RCS Grade 6
1:15 - Grant Road Grade 8 Percussion
1:30 - Grant Road Grade 7 Mr. Benjamin and Ms. Sklar
2:30- Grant Road Grade 7 Mr. Sweeney
3:45 - CuriosityClub
Tues. Day 4 -Nov. 4
9:00 - Grade 7 percussion, tuba, euphonium, horn, trombone, Grade 8 flutes and clarinets
9:45 - Grade 7 saxophones and trumpet, Grade 8 percussion, alto, tenor saxophones and french horns
10:45- Grade 7 clarinets and flute, Grade 8 bari sax, bass clarinets, tuba. euphoniums, trombone, trumpets
12:45 - Grant Road Grade 6 low brass
1:30 - - Grant Road Grade 6 woodwinds
2:30-Grant Road Grade 6 french horns and trumpets
3:45- Jazz Band
Wednesday Day 5 - Nov. 5
9:00 - Perry Grade 7's and 8
9:45 - Perry 8's
10:00 - RCS Grade 6's
10:45 - RCS 7's
10:45 - Grant Road Grade 8's
12:45 - Perry 6 flutes and saxophones
1:30 - Perry Grade 6 clarinets
2:30 - Perry 6 brass and percussion
3:45 -Jazz Band
Thurs. Day 1 - Nov. 6
7:30 - Junior Winds
9:30 - Massey 7's
10:35 - Massey 8's
12:45 - McVeety Grade 8's
1:30 - McVeety Grade 7's
2:30 - McVeety Grade 6's
6:30 - Junior Winds and Jazz Students meet in Band Room
7:00 - Junior Winds and Jazz Band room Concert
Fri.. Day 2 - Nov. 7
9:30 -10:30 - Perry, Grant Road, and McVeety Grade 8's
10:35-11:35 - Grant Road, Perry, and McVeety Grade 7's
12:45 - Massey Grade 6 flutes, clarinets, french horns, and alto saxophones
2:15 - - Massey Grade 6 trumpets, low brass, and percussion
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