- Congratulations to all Grade 7 and 8 band students on a very nice concert. Thank you for your work!
- Winter Concerts are quickly approaching
Dec. 5 - Grade 6 Concert - 7:00p.m. at Campbell
Dec. 6 - Grade 7 and 8 Concert - 7:00p.m. at Campbell
This Week In Grade 6 Band
This week in Grade 6 Band, we put our first seven notes together to create our Concert Bb scale. As we did this we talked about as our notes go higher how our air gets faster. As we go lower our air is slower. We also worked on sustaining our notes for full value. To do this we wind patterned Ode to Joy and made sure we always felt the wind on our hands. We listened to the difference between major and minor. We learned that when we put notes 1, 3, and 5 together we get a major sounding chord and when we put notes 2, 4, and 6 together the chord sounds minor. We began experimenting with these combinations as some of us began composing a duet. As well this week we received our first piece of sheet music.
Students were asked to practice:
1. Jingle Bells (both parts) - P. 12
2. In their book the first line of P. 13
3. Compose a four measure duet.
This Week In Grade 7 Band
This week was the first time all the Grade 7's played together. We were quite excited to hear everyone and we are looking forward to our next opportunity to have everyone together at once. After our concert we began handing out holiday music. Students received a copy of Frosty the Snowman. As students receive it, we will be figuring out the form first and then practicing the "A" sections. Students also played Starry Night beginning to end and worked on measures 15 -51 of Argosy. Students were asked to practice:
1. Starry Night - all
2. Argosy - 15-51.
This Week in Grade 8 Band
This week we started working on Amen up to measure 58. We also are bringing A Quiet Song back into our repertoire. Next week we'll be getting one more piece for our December concert. We also are working on the chromatic scale in eighth notes.
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